Full Mouth Rehabilitation / Smile Makeover with Porcelain Crowns, Implants, & Dental Bridge
A comprehensive procedure involves restoring all of the teeth using a combination of treatments, such as dental implants, crowns, or bridges, to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of the entire mouth.
The goal is to provide a complete and natural-looking set of teeth for individuals who have experienced extensive tooth loss, loss of vertical dimension, decay, or difficulty eating.
At Fidelity Dental Bali, this treatment will be carried out by our experienced dentists thas has treated thousands of patients, to achieve optimal function, health, and aesthetic results. We collaborate with one of the best dental laboratories in Bali, to produce aesthetic yet natural porcelain result.
Estimated treatment time:
Multiple visits, each lasting approximately 60-120 minutes, depending on the complexity of each case. A minimum of 2-3 weeks is required to ensure the quality of the wor.